Expertise in:

Business Strategy




Supply Chain

Let me help you explore ways to reframe circularity & sustainability.

Love the Planet & Each Other!


Love the Planet & Each Other! /

I am a BIG thinker…

Supply Chain’s + DE&I will change the World!!!

Got a wild idea?
Would you like me to speak at your event?

Let’s chat…

(click on the social buttons up @ top ↑)

→→→ I’m on a mission to connect with friends around the globe to explore how to love the planet & each other!

Transparency is more than…

“…change THE RELATIONSHIP with your closet”

When it comes to innovation and future supply chain success… sustainable supply chains are the future! Something we can all do is keep & repair our clothes so that they last longer.

Check out this clip from panel GS1 Connect that took place in San Diego • June 7‑9, 2022

Over 300 companies were in attendance . Industry leaders came together to share how to:

  • Stay ahead of consumer expectations

  • Enhance business efficiencies

  • Enable end-to-end supply chain visibility

Circular & sustainable supply chains start with practical steps that we can all implement…

  • Report: A must Read→→→→→→→→ →→→ It is an eye opening and moving body of work needed as the #circulareconomy evolves. "Gentrification is not just about rising rents. Gentrification can also happen with ideas – when the powerful and privileged move in on a concept that has been created and developed by underrepresented groups and repackage it, forcing out the originators."

    Quote from Nicole B

    Founder of the Renewal Workshop

    In partnership with The Renewal Workshop (founded to facilitate and accelerate the global shift towards a circular economy… committed to using what we have learned on this journey so far to help further the circular movement, working towards an economy that is in service to the planet)

    With this year’s focus on scaling up the circular transition in the textiles industry…Read my contribution to rethinking circularity.